On a hot, sultry Wednesday morning in late July, The Nashville Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) held their monthly luncheon at The Woman’s Club of Nashville. Thanks to a storm the prior evening, the club was without power and, consequently, air conditioning and Internet. Did that stop Local Search Masters and the group of 30+ women from having a terrific time together? Not even close!

Matt Job, CMO of Local Search Masters, discussed various aspects about the world of digital marketing, covering such topics as:

  1. Why businesses should consider investing in search engine marketing
  1. The breakdown of Google’s search engine result pages and how the format changes across devices and search queries (examples: mobile vs. desktop, organic results vs. paid results & national searches vs. localized searches)
  1. Best practices for SEO optimizing a website to increase its positioning on important, non-branded search queries that are likely being performed by potential customers
  1. Best practices for developing and managing an effective Google AdWords campaign
  1. Content and link building strategies that businesses can use acquire more inbound links to their website from relevant, authoritative websites
  1. The importance of having Google Analytics set up on a website, and regularly analyzing and acting upon the data it provides to enhance the effectiveness of the site
  1. Why it’s imperative for your website to be mobile-friendly. To see if your business is mobile-friendly, you can run it through this Google test.

The discussion ended with a micro-workshop where the audience participated in group activities that asked each table to apply what they learned over the previous 30 minutes to their respective sites. EVERYONE had at least 1 excellent idea for improving their online marketing efforts moving forward!

For more information about Local Search Masters, visit www.localsearchmasters.com.